Classroom Implementation

To implement this experiment in the classroom, I would like to use a classroom “Moon Journal”. The “Moon Journal” would take place by using a binder where individual students take home the “Moon Journal” and record their observations. The students would need to include a drawing and a brief description about what they observed. At the end of every week, we would discuss as a class the observations that were made that week. I think this would be neat, so the students can get an overall view of the moon phases throughout a week's period. I would continue with the “Moon Journal” until all students had the opportunity to take it home. As we go through the moon experiment, I would introduce students to different related terms (waxing, waning, rotation, etc.) during our weekly discussions.

Before starting the experiment, I would first communicate with the parents/guardians via newsletter in the beginning of the experiment. In my newsletter, I would inform the parents about the overall details of the experiment. I would also include a tentative schedule for the moon journal, so the parents would know when to expect their student to come home with the journal. When it is the child’s time to take home the moon journal, I would include more detailed instructions on how to complete the assignment. I think by having the “Moon Journal” rotate daily, the students will not be too overwhelmed with trying to find the moon every night. I believe it will also create a lot of curiosity with the students.

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